l Centro de los Niños' program design is based on an Emergent Curriculum that develops through observation and following the childs active interests. ECDLN adheres to
New Mexico Best Practices and also meets the highest national standards for excellence established by NAEYC. The daily schedules are built around research supported curricula and are based on the principle that children have an inborn drive to master their world at all ages.
ECDLN is a NM PreK provider. Our current PreK program runs mornings, Monday-Friday and includes a nutritious lunch. ECDLNs program addresses all aspects of childrens growth, development, learning, health, safety and nutrition in a nurturing learning environment with developmentally appropriate content and family and community services collaboration.
Coordination of services among local providers maximizes resources and avoids duplication of effort. Curriculum design includes a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds and volunteer program participation. The program includes a minimum of two home visits per year, three parent conferences, up to five parent group meetings, transition and other activities, and professional development. The program has in place the policies and procedures for, and engages in, data collection and preparation of Focused Portfolios for all children and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Individualized Family Services Plans (IFSPs) for the special needs children being served.
We provide:
A trained and caring staff
A safe, clean, well-equipped learning environment
Indoor & Outdoor play and learning spaces
A curriculum that is nurturing to each childs self-esteem
A low number of children to each staff member
Direct involvement of family members